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Lovis Schween


Lovis Schween

  • Job title: PhD Student
  • Working group: Lehrstuhl für Biophysik (Prof. Dr. Fabry)
  • Address:
    Room 02.076
  • Phone number: +49 9131 85-25604
  • Email:

Assembly Kinetics of the Intermediate Filament Protein Vimentin: A Dual Wavelength Stopped-Flow Study
Physics, M.Sc., 2022, Friedrich-Alexander-Erlangen-Nürnberg
Optimisation of Acquisition Parameters for the Imaging of Fibroblasts Using AFM
Physik, B.Sc., 2018, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf

Migration behavior of Vimentin knock-out fibroblasts (Talk)
Intermediate Filament Meeting, Göttingen, Germany (2024)

Dual Wavelength Stopped-Flow Analysis of Vimentin and Desmin Assembly: The impact of ion conditions, temperature, and mutations (Poster)
Cell Physics Conference, Saarbrücken, Germany (2023)

Dual Wavelength Stopped-Flow Analysis of Vimentin and Desmin Assembly: The impact of ion conditions, temperature, and mutations (Poster)
European Meeting on Intermediate Filaments, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands (2023)

Dual Laser Stopped-Flow Analysis of Desmin Assembly Kinetics (Talk)
Intermediate filaments meeting, Aachen, Germany (2023)

Dissecting the lateral and longitudinal assembly kinetics of vimentin with a dual wavelength stopped-flow approach (Poster)
Lovis Schween, Norbert Mücke, Stéphanie Portet, Wolfgang H. Goldmann, Harald Herrmann, Ben Fabry
Physics of Cancer Symposium, Leipzig, Germany (2022)

[1] Lovis Schween, Norbert Mücke, Stéphanie Portet, Wolfgang H. Goldmann, Harald Herrmann, Ben Fabry
Dual-wavelength stopped-flow analysis of the lateral and longitudinal assembly kinetics of vimentin
In Biophysical Journal, volume 121, 2022. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]