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Lovis Schween


Lovis Schween

  • Job title: PhD Student
  • Working group: Lehrstuhl für Biophysik (Prof. Dr. Fabry)
  • Address:
    Room 02.076
  • Phone number: +49 9131 85-25604
  • Email:

Assembly Kinetics of the Intermediate Filament Protein Vimentin: A Dual-Wavelength Stopped-Flow Study
Physics, M.Sc., 2022, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Optimisation of Acquisition Parameters for the Imaging of Fibroblasts Using AFM
Physik, B.Sc., 2018, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf

Desmin Filament Assembly and the Loss of Elongation Control in Mutant R406W (Talk and Poster)

Gordon Research Conference and Gordon Research Seminar, Barcelona, Spain (2024)

Migration behavior of Vimentin knock-out fibroblasts (Talk)
Intermediate Filament Meeting, Göttingen, Germany (2024)

Dual Wavelength Stopped-Flow Analysis of Vimentin and Desmin Assembly: The impact of ion conditions, temperature, and mutations (Poster)
Cell Physics Conference, Saarbrücken, Germany (2023)

Dual Wavelength Stopped-Flow Analysis of Vimentin and Desmin Assembly: The impact of ion conditions, temperature, and mutations (Poster)
European Meeting on Intermediate Filaments, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands (2023)

Dual Laser Stopped-Flow Analysis of Desmin Assembly Kinetics (Talk)
Intermediate filaments meeting, Aachen, Germany (2023)

Dissecting the lateral and longitudinal assembly kinetics of vimentin with a dual wavelength stopped-flow approach (Poster)
Lovis Schween, Norbert Mücke, Stéphanie Portet, Wolfgang H. Goldmann, Harald Herrmann, Ben Fabry
Physics of Cancer Symposium, Leipzig, Germany (2022)

[1] Lovis Schween, Norbert Mücke, Stéphanie Portet, Wolfgang H. Goldmann, Harald Herrmann, Ben Fabry
Dual-wavelength stopped-flow analysis of the lateral and longitudinal assembly kinetics of vimentin
In Biophysical Journal, volume 121, 2022. (Type: Journal Article) [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]