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Ben Fabry
Prof. Ben Fabry
Wolfgang Goldmann
Prof. Wolfgang Goldmann
Andreas Magerl
Prof. Andreas Magerl
Structural Physics
Harald Herrmann
Prof. Harald Herrmann
Cell Biology
Astrid Mainka
Astrid Mainka
Biol. laboratory
Christian Kuster
Christian Kuster
Kathrin Dauth
Kathrin Dauth
Daniel Paranhos Zitterbart
Dr. Daniel P. Zitterbart
Research Group leader
Ingo Thievessen
Dr. Ingo Thievessen
Research Group leader
Sebastian Richter
Dr. Sebastian Richter
Christoph Mark
Dr. Christoph Mark
Alexander Tesler
Dr. Alexander Tesler

Dr. Tina Czerwinski
Alexander Winterl
Alexander Winterl
PhD Student

David Böhringer
PhD Student
Lovis Schween
Lovis Schween
PhD Student
Lars Bischof
Lars Bischof
PhD Student
Johannes Bartl
Johannes Bartl
PhD Student
Natalie Huhn
Natalie Huhn
PhD Student
Radik Gataulin
Radik Gataulin
PhD Student
Ara Cho
Ara Cho
PhD Student

Master and Bachelor Students

NameMailDegree ProgramStartTopicSupervisor
Darius Schafferdarius.schaffer (at) web.deB.Sc. Medizintechnik2023/04/173-D zellverhalten von Nervenzellen in Kollagen-basierten HydrogelenLars
Olaf Tönsingolaf.toensing(at)fau.deM.Sc. Physics2024/03/18Migration of Adélie PenguinsAlexander W.
Sergey RoiukSerhii.Roiuk(at)fau.deB. Sc. Physik2024/04/20Analysis of cellular viscoelasticity using shear flow deformation cytometryBen, Harald, Lovis
Annika Peippannika.peipp(at)fau.deB.Sc. Medizintechnik2024/10/07Rolle von Traktionskräften für motile Phasen von ImmunzellenChristoph, Natalie
Luca Villluca.vill(at)fau.deB.Sc. Physik2024/10/14Structural properties of Adélie penguin coloniesAlexander W.

Feel free to contact us if you are interested in a Bachelors or Masters project in our group! For information on the physics master study program “physics in life sciences”, visit