by M. M. Zrelski, S. Hosele, M. Kustermann, P. Fichtinger, D. Kah, I. Athanasiou, P. R. Esser, A. Wagner, R. Herzog, K. Kratochwill, W. H. Goldmann, D. Kiritsi, L. Winter
M. M. Zrelski, S. Hosele, M. Kustermann, P. Fichtinger, D. Kah, I. Athanasiou, P. R. Esser, A. Wagner, R. Herzog, K. Kratochwill, W. H. Goldmann, D. Kiritsi, L. WinterPlectin deficiency in fibroblasts deranges intermediate filament and organelle morphology, migration, and adhesionIn J Invest Dermatol, 2023. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
@article{zrelski_plectin_2023, title = {Plectin deficiency in fibroblasts deranges intermediate filament and organelle morphology, migration, and adhesion}, issn = {1523-1747 (Electronic) 0022-202X (Linking)}, url = {Zrelski J Invest Dermatol 2023 Plectin and migration.pdf}, doi = {10.1016/j.jid.2023.08.020}, journal = {J Invest Dermatol}, author = {Zrelski, M. M. and Hosele, S. and Kustermann, M. and Fichtinger, P. and Kah, D. and Athanasiou, I. and Esser, P. R. and Wagner, A. and Herzog, R. and Kratochwill, K. and Goldmann, W. H. and Kiritsi, D. and Winter, L.}, year = {2023}, note = {Type: Journal Article}, file = {Volltext:C:\Users\lovis\Zotero\storage\WMUUPQLM\Zrelski et al. - 2024 - Plectin Deficiency in Fibroblasts Deranges Interme.pdf:application/pdf}, }