by D. Zitterbart, Richter S., Spiekermann G., Behrens LK., Regnery J., Fontes RP., Hänssler T., G. König-Langlo, R. Weller, B. Fabry
D. Zitterbart, Richter S., Spiekermann G., Behrens LK., Regnery J., Fontes RP., Hänssler T., G. König-Langlo, R. Weller, B. FabryAre environmental factors responsible for changed breeding behaviour in emperor penguins?In Antarctic Science, 2014. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
@article{zitterbart_are_2014, title = {Are environmental factors responsible for changed breeding behaviour in emperor penguins?}, url = {Zitterbart Antartic Science 2014.pdf}, doi = {10.1017/S0954102014000285}, journal = {Antarctic Science}, author = {Zitterbart, D. and S., Richter and G., Spiekermann and LK., Behrens and J., Regnery and RP., Fontes and T., Hänssler and König-Langlo, G. and Weller, R. and Fabry, B.}, year = {2014}, note = {Type: Journal Article}, annote = {Type: Journal Article}, }