by L. Winter, W. H. Goldmann
L. Winter, W. H. GoldmannBiomechanical characterization of myofibrillar myopathiesIn Cell Biol Int, volume 39, 2015. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
@article{winter_biomechanical_2015, title = {Biomechanical characterization of myofibrillar myopathies}, volume = {39}, issn = {1095-8355 (Electronic) 1065-6995 (Linking)}, url = {Winter Cell Biol Int 2015.pdf}, doi = {10.1002/cbin.10384}, number = {4}, journal = {Cell Biol Int}, author = {Winter, L. and Goldmann, W. H.}, year = {2015}, note = {Type: Journal Article}, pages = {361--3}, }