by I. Thievessen, P. M. Thompson, S. Berlemont, K. M. Plevock, S. V. Plotnikov, A. Zemljic-Harpf, R. S. Ross, M. W. Davidson, G. Danuser, S. L. Campbell, C. M. Waterman
I. Thievessen, P. M. Thompson, S. Berlemont, K. M. Plevock, S. V. Plotnikov, A. Zemljic-Harpf, R. S. Ross, M. W. Davidson, G. Danuser, S. L. Campbell, C. M. WatermanVinculin-actin interaction couples actin retrograde flow to focal adhesions, but is dispensable for focal adhesion growthIn J Cell Biol, volume 202, 2013. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
@article{thievessen_vinculin-actin_2013, title = {Vinculin-actin interaction couples actin retrograde flow to focal adhesions, but is dispensable for focal adhesion growth}, volume = {202}, issn = {1540-8140 (Electronic) 0021-9525 (Linking)}, url = {Thievessen JCB 2013.pdf}, doi = {10.1083/jcb.201303129}, number = {1}, journal = {J Cell Biol}, author = {Thievessen, I. and Thompson, P. M. and Berlemont, S. and Plevock, K. M. and Plotnikov, S. V. and Zemljic-Harpf, A. and Ross, R. S. and Davidson, M. W. and Danuser, G. and Campbell, S. L. and Waterman, C. M.}, year = {2013}, note = {Type: Journal Article}, pages = {163--77}, }