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Vinculin-actin interaction couples actin retrograde flow to focal adhesions, but is dispensable for focal adhesion growth

by I. Thievessen, P. M. Thompson, S. Berlemont, K. M. Plevock, S. V. Plotnikov, A. Zemljic-Harpf, R. S. Ross, M. W. Davidson, G. Danuser, S. L. Campbell, C. M. Waterman
I. Thievessen, P. M. Thompson, S. Berlemont, K. M. Plevock, S. V. Plotnikov, A. Zemljic-Harpf, R. S. Ross, M. W. Davidson, G. Danuser, S. L. Campbell, C. M. WatermanVinculin-actin interaction couples actin retrograde flow to focal adhesions, but is dispensable for focal adhesion growthIn J Cell Biol, volume 202, 2013. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
	title = {Vinculin-actin interaction couples actin retrograde flow to focal adhesions, but is dispensable for focal adhesion growth},
	volume = {202},
	issn = {1540-8140 (Electronic) 0021-9525 (Linking)},
	url = {Thievessen JCB 2013.pdf},
	doi = {10.1083/jcb.201303129},
	number = {1},
	journal = {J Cell Biol},
	author = {Thievessen, I. and Thompson, P. M. and Berlemont, S. and Plevock, K. M. and Plotnikov, S. V. and Zemljic-Harpf, A. and Ross, R. S. and Davidson, M. W. and Danuser, G. and Campbell, S. L. and Waterman, C. M.},
	year = {2013},
	note = {Type: Journal Article},
	pages = {163--77},