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The global turning probability density function for motile bacteria and its applications

by K. C. Chen, R. M. Ford, P. T. Cummings
K. C. Chen, R. M. Ford, P. T. CummingsThe global turning probability density function for motile bacteria and its applicationsIn J Theor Biol, volume 195, 1998.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Chen, K. C. and Ford, R. M. and Cummings, P. T.},
   title = {The global turning probability density function for motile bacteria and its applications},
   journal = {J Theor Biol},
   volume = {195},
   number = {2},
   pages = {139-55},
   url = {Chen J Theoret Biol 1998.pdf},
   year = {1998},
   type = {Journal Article}