by M. Balland, A. Richert, F. Gallet
M. Balland, A. Richert, F. GalletThe dissipative contribution of myosin II in the cytoskeleton dynamics of myoblastsIn Eur Biophys J, volume 34, 2005.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{RN481, author = {Balland, M. and Richert, A. and Gallet, F.}, title = {The dissipative contribution of myosin II in the cytoskeleton dynamics of myoblasts}, journal = {Eur Biophys J}, volume = {34}, number = {3}, pages = {255-61}, url = {Balland Eur Biophys J 2005.pdf}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} }