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Calcium supplementation of bioinks reduces shear stress-induced cell damage during bioprinting

by Lena Fischer, Mojtaba Nosratlo, Katharina Hast, Emine Karakaya, Nadine Ströhlein, Tilman Esser, Richard Carl Gerum, Sebastian Richter, Felix B. Engel, Rainer Detsch, Ben Fabry, Ingo Thievessen
Lena Fischer, Mojtaba Nosratlo, Katharina Hast, Emine Karakaya, Nadine Ströhlein, Tilman Esser, Richard Carl Gerum, Sebastian Richter, Felix B. Engel, Rainer Detsch, Ben Fabry, Ingo ThievessenCalcium supplementation of bioinks reduces shear stress-induced cell damage during bioprintingIn Biofabrication, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Fischer, Lena and Nosratlo, Mojtaba and Hast, Katharina and Karakaya, Emine and Ströhlein, Nadine and Esser, Tilman and Gerum, Richard Carl and Richter, Sebastian and Engel, Felix B. and Detsch, Rainer and Fabry, Ben and Thievessen, Ingo},
   title = {Calcium supplementation of bioinks reduces shear stress-induced cell damage during bioprinting},
   journal = {Biofabrication},
   ISSN = {1758-5090},
   url = {Fischer Biofabrication 2022.pdf},
   year = {2022},
   type = {Journal Article}