by M. Cóndor, C. Mark, R. C. Gerum, N. C. Grummel, A. Bauer, J. M. García-Aznar, B. Fabry
M. Cóndor, C. Mark, R. C. Gerum, N. C. Grummel, A. Bauer, J. M. García-Aznar, B. FabryBreast cancer cells adapt contractile forces to overcome steric hindranceIn Biophysical Journal, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{RN4586, author = {Cóndor, M. and Mark, C. and Gerum, R. C. and Grummel, N. C. and Bauer, A. and García-Aznar, J. M. and Fabry, B.}, title = {Breast cancer cells adapt contractile forces to overcome steric hindrance}, journal = {Biophysical Journal}, ISSN = {0006-3495}, DOI = {}, url = {}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} }