by C. Metzner, J. Lange, P. Krauss, N. Wunderling, J. Ubelacker, F. Martin, B. Fabry
C. Metzner, J. Lange, P. Krauss, N. Wunderling, J. Ubelacker, F. Martin, B. FabryPressure-driven collective growth mechanism of planar cell coloniesIn Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, volume 51, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{RN4471, author = {Metzner, C. and Lange, J. and Krauss, P. and Wunderling, N. and Ubelacker, J. and Martin, F. and Fabry, B.}, title = {Pressure-driven collective growth mechanism of planar cell colonies}, journal = {Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics}, volume = {51}, number = {30}, ISSN = {0022-3727}, DOI = {ARTN 304004 10.1088/1361-6463/aace4c}, url = {Metzner J Phys D 2018 pressure driven tumor growth.pdf}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} }