by B. A. Aguado, W. Mulyasasmita, J. Su, K. J. Lampe, S. C. Heilshorn
B. A. Aguado, W. Mulyasasmita, J. Su, K. J. Lampe, S. C. HeilshornImproving viability of stem cells during syringe needle flow through the design of hydrogel cell carriersIn Tissue Eng Part A, volume 18, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{RN4343, author = {Aguado, B. A. and Mulyasasmita, W. and Su, J. and Lampe, K. J. and Heilshorn, S. C.}, title = {Improving viability of stem cells during syringe needle flow through the design of hydrogel cell carriers}, journal = {Tissue Eng Part A}, volume = {18}, number = {7-8}, pages = {806-15}, ISSN = {1937-335X (Electronic) 1937-3341 (Linking)}, DOI = {10.1089/ten.TEA.2011.0391}, url = {Aguado Tiss Engin A 2012 cell viability after syringe.pdf}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} }