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The Mini‐Organo: A rapid high‐throughput 3D coculture organotypic assay for oncology screening and drug development

by Jessica L. Chitty | Joanna N. Skhinas | Elysse C. Filipe | Shan Wang||Carmen Rodriguez Cupello | Rhiannon D. Grant | Michelle Yam |, Michael Papanicolaou | Gretel Major | Anaiis Zaratzian | Andrew M. Da Silva |Michael Tayao | Claire Vennin | Paul Timpson| Chris D. Madsen |Thomas R. Cox
Jessica L. Chitty | Joanna N. Skhinas | Elysse C. Filipe | Shan Wang||Carmen Rodriguez Cupello | Rhiannon D. Grant | Michelle Yam |, Michael Papanicolaou | Gretel Major | Anaiis Zaratzian | Andrew M. Da Silva |Michael Tayao | Claire Vennin | Paul Timpson| Chris D. Madsen |Thomas R. CoxThe Mini‐Organo: A rapid high‐throughput 3D coculture organotypic assay for oncology screening and drug developmentIn Cancer Reports., 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {|, Jessica L. Chitty | Joanna N. Skhinas | Elysse C. Filipe | Shan Wang||Carmen Rodriguez Cupello | Rhiannon D. Grant | Michelle Yam and Cox, Michael Papanicolaou | Gretel Major | Anaiis Zaratzian | Andrew M. Da Silva |Michael Tayao | Claire Vennin | Paul Timpson| Chris D. Madsen |Thomas R.},
   title = {The Mini‐Organo: A rapid high‐throughput 3D coculture organotypic assay for oncology screening and drug development},
   journal = {Cancer Reports.},
   DOI = {},
   url = {Chitty Cancer Reports 2019 3D coculture in collagen.pdf},
   year = {2019},
   type = {Journal Article}