by G. Lenormand, E. Millet, B. Fabry, J. P. Butler, J. J. Fredberg
G. Lenormand, E. Millet, B. Fabry, J. P. Butler, J. J. FredbergLinearity and time-scale invariance of the creep function in living cells.In J Royal Soc Interface, volume 1, 2004.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{RN416, author = {Lenormand, G. and Millet, E. and Fabry, B. and Butler, J. P. and Fredberg, J. J.}, title = {Linearity and time-scale invariance of the creep function in living cells.}, journal = {J Royal Soc Interface}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {91-97}, url = {Lenormand J Royal Soc Interface 2004.pdf}, year = {2004}, type = {Journal Article} }