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Peptide-specific antibodies localize the major lipid binding sites of talin dimers to oppositely arranged N-terminal 47 kDa subdomains

by G. Isenberg, W. H. Goldmann
G. Isenberg, W. H. GoldmannPeptide-specific antibodies localize the major lipid binding sites of talin dimers to oppositely arranged N-terminal 47 kDa subdomainsIn FEBS Lett, volume 426, 1998.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Isenberg, G. and Goldmann, W. H.},
   title = {Peptide-specific antibodies localize the major lipid binding sites of talin dimers to oppositely arranged N-terminal 47 kDa subdomains},
   journal = {FEBS Lett},
   volume = {426},
   number = {2},
   pages = {165-70},
   url = {Isenberg FEBS Lett 1998.pdf},
   year = {1998},
   type = {Journal Article}