by S. Kaufmann, J. Kas, W. H. Goldmann, E. Sackmann, G. Isenberg
S. Kaufmann, J. Kas, W. H. Goldmann, E. Sackmann, G. IsenbergTalin anchors and nucleates actin filaments at lipid membranes. A direct demonstrationIn FEBS Lett, volume 314, 1992.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{RN384, author = {Kaufmann, S. and Kas, J. and Goldmann, W. H. and Sackmann, E. and Isenberg, G.}, title = {Talin anchors and nucleates actin filaments at lipid membranes. A direct demonstration}, journal = {FEBS Lett}, volume = {314}, number = {2}, pages = {203-5}, url = {Kaufmann FEBS Lett 1992.pdf}, year = {1992}, type = {Journal Article} }