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Development and Characterization of Bioactive Glass Containing Composite Coatings with Ion Releasing Function for Antibiotic-Free Antibacterial Surgical Sutures

by F. E. Ciraldo, K. Schnepf, W. H. Goldmann, A. R. Boccaccini
F. E. Ciraldo, K. Schnepf, W. H. Goldmann, A. R. BoccacciniDevelopment and Characterization of Bioactive Glass Containing Composite Coatings with Ion Releasing Function for Antibiotic-Free Antibacterial Surgical SuturesIn Materials (Basel), volume 12, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Ciraldo, F. E. and Schnepf, K. and Goldmann, W. H. and Boccaccini, A. R.},
   title = {Development and Characterization of Bioactive Glass Containing Composite Coatings with Ion Releasing Function for Antibiotic-Free Antibacterial Surgical Sutures},
   journal = {Materials (Basel)},
   volume = {12},
   number = {3},
   ISSN = {1996-1944 (Print)
1996-1944 (Linking)},
   DOI = {10.3390/ma12030423},
   url = {Ciraldo Materials 2019.pdf},
   year = {2019},
   type = {Journal Article}