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Knowing the boundaries: extending the differential adhesion hypothesis in embryonic cell sorting

by J. D. Amack, M. L. Manning
J. D. Amack, M. L. ManningKnowing the boundaries: extending the differential adhesion hypothesis in embryonic cell sortingIn Science, volume 338, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Amack, J. D. and Manning, M. L.},
   title = {Knowing the boundaries: extending the differential adhesion hypothesis in embryonic cell sorting},
   journal = {Science},
   volume = {338},
   number = {6104},
   pages = {212-5},
   ISSN = {1095-9203 (Electronic)
0036-8075 (Linking)},
   DOI = {10.1126/science.1223953},
   url = {Amack Science 2012.pdf},
   year = {2012},
   type = {Journal Article}