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Cytoskeletal components of the vertebrate neuromuscular junction: vinculin, alpha-actinin, and filamin

by R. J. Bloch, Z. W. Hall
R. J. Bloch, Z. W. HallCytoskeletal components of the vertebrate neuromuscular junction: vinculin, alpha-actinin, and filaminIn J Cell Biol, volume 97, 1983.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Bloch, R. J. and Hall, Z. W.},
   title = {Cytoskeletal components of the vertebrate neuromuscular junction: vinculin, alpha-actinin, and filamin},
   journal = {J Cell Biol},
   volume = {97},
   number = {1},
   pages = {217-23},
   ISSN = {0021-9525 (Print)
0021-9525 (Linking)},
   url = {Bloch JCB 1983.pdf},
   year = {1983},
   type = {Journal Article}