by R. Janostiak, J. Brabek, V. Auernheimer, Z. Tatarova, L. A. Lautscham, T. Dey, J. Gemperle, R. Merkel, W. H. Goldmann, B. Fabry, D. Rosel
R. Janostiak, J. Brabek, V. Auernheimer, Z. Tatarova, L. A. Lautscham, T. Dey, J. Gemperle, R. Merkel, W. H. Goldmann, B. Fabry, D. RoselCAS directly interacts with vinculin to control mechanosensing and focal adhesion dynamicsIn Cell Mol Life Sci, volume 71, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{RN2969, author = {Janostiak, R. and Brabek, J. and Auernheimer, V. and Tatarova, Z. and Lautscham, L. A. and Dey, T. and Gemperle, J. and Merkel, R. and Goldmann, W. H. and Fabry, B. and Rosel, D.}, title = {CAS directly interacts with vinculin to control mechanosensing and focal adhesion dynamics}, journal = {Cell Mol Life Sci}, volume = {71}, number = {4}, pages = {727-744}, ISSN = {1420-9071 (Electronic) 1420-682X (Linking)}, DOI = {10.1007/s00018-013-1450-x}, url = {Janostiak Cell Mol Life Sci 2014.pdf}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} }