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Classifying the expansion kinetics and critical surface dynamics of growing cell populations

by M. Block, E. Scholl, D. Drasdo
M. Block, E. Scholl, D. DrasdoClassifying the expansion kinetics and critical surface dynamics of growing cell populationsIn Phys Rev Lett, volume 99, 2007.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Block, M. and Scholl, E. and Drasdo, D.},
   title = {Classifying the expansion kinetics and critical surface dynamics of growing cell populations},
   journal = {Phys Rev Lett},
   volume = {99},
   number = {24},
   pages = {248101},
   ISSN = {0031-9007 (Print)
0031-9007 (Linking)},
   url = {Block PRL 2007.pdf},
   year = {2007},
   type = {Journal Article}