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Two distinct modes of guidance signalling during collective migration of border cells

by A. Bianco, M. Poukkula, A. Cliffe, J. Mathieu, C. M. Luque, T. A. Fulga, P. Rorth
A. Bianco, M. Poukkula, A. Cliffe, J. Mathieu, C. M. Luque, T. A. Fulga, P. RorthTwo distinct modes of guidance signalling during collective migration of border cellsIn Nature, volume 448, 2007.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Bianco, A. and Poukkula, M. and Cliffe, A. and Mathieu, J. and Luque, C. M. and Fulga, T. A. and Rorth, P.},
   title = {Two distinct modes of guidance signalling during collective migration of border cells},
   journal = {Nature},
   volume = {448},
   number = {7151},
   pages = {362-5},
   ISSN = {1476-4687 (Electronic)
0028-0836 (Linking)},
   DOI = {10.1038/nature05965},
   url = {Bianco Nature 2007.pdf},
   year = {2007},
   type = {Journal Article}