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Desmin filaments influence myofilament spacing and lateral compliance of slow skeletal muscle fibers

by J. Balogh, Z. Li, D. Paulin, A. Arner
J. Balogh, Z. Li, D. Paulin, A. ArnerDesmin filaments influence myofilament spacing and lateral compliance of slow skeletal muscle fibersIn Biophys J, volume 88, 2005.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Balogh, J. and Li, Z. and Paulin, D. and Arner, A.},
   title = {Desmin filaments influence myofilament spacing and lateral compliance of slow skeletal muscle fibers},
   journal = {Biophys J},
   volume = {88},
   number = {2},
   pages = {1156-65},
   url = {Balogh Biophys J 2005.pdf},
   year = {2005},
   type = {Journal Article}