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Measurement of nonlinear rheology of cross-linked biopolymer gels

by C. P. Broedersz, K. E. Kasza, L. M. Jawerth, S. Münster, D. A. Weitz, F. C. MacKintosh
C. P. Broedersz, K. E. Kasza, L. M. Jawerth, S. Münster, D. A. Weitz, F. C. MacKintoshMeasurement of nonlinear rheology of cross-linked biopolymer gelsIn Soft Matter, volume 6, 2010.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Broedersz, C. P. and Kasza, K. E. and Jawerth, L. M. and Münster, S.  and Weitz, D. A. and MacKintosh, F. C.},
   title = {Measurement of nonlinear rheology of cross-linked biopolymer gels},
   journal = {Soft Matter},
   volume = {6},
   pages = {4120-4127},
   url = {Broedersz Soft Matter 2010.pdf},
   year = {2010},
   type = {Journal Article}