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Photobleaching of fura-2 and its effect on determination of calcium concentrations

by P. L. Becker, F. S. Fay
P. L. Becker, F. S. FayPhotobleaching of fura-2 and its effect on determination of calcium concentrationsIn Am J Physiol, volume 253, 1987.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Becker, P. L. and Fay, F. S.},
   title = {Photobleaching of fura-2 and its effect on determination of calcium concentrations},
   journal = {Am J Physiol},
   volume = {253},
   number = {4 Pt 1},
   pages = {C613-8},
   url = {Becker Am J Physiol 1987.pdf},
   year = {1987},
   type = {Journal Article}