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Linking integrin conformation to function

by J. A. Askari, P. A. Buckley, A. P. Mould, M. J. Humphries
J. A. Askari, P. A. Buckley, A. P. Mould, M. J. HumphriesLinking integrin conformation to functionIn J Cell Sci, volume 122, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Askari, J. A. and Buckley, P. A. and Mould, A. P. and Humphries, M. J.},
   title = {Linking integrin conformation to function},
   journal = {J Cell Sci},
   volume = {122},
   number = {Pt 2},
   pages = {165-70},
   url = {Askari J Cell Sci 2009.pdf},
   year = {2009},
   type = {Journal Article}