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In vivo color-coded imaging of the interaction of colon cancer cells and splenocytes in the formation of liver metastases

by M. Bouvet, K. Tsuji, M. Yang, P. Jiang, A. R. Moossa, R. M. Hoffman
M. Bouvet, K. Tsuji, M. Yang, P. Jiang, A. R. Moossa, R. M. HoffmanIn vivo color-coded imaging of the interaction of colon cancer cells and splenocytes in the formation of liver metastasesIn Cancer Res, volume 66, 2006.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Bouvet, M. and Tsuji, K. and Yang, M. and Jiang, P. and Moossa, A. R. and Hoffman, R. M.},
   title = {In vivo color-coded imaging of the interaction of colon cancer cells and splenocytes in the formation of liver metastases},
   journal = {Cancer Res},
   volume = {66},
   number = {23},
   pages = {11293-7},
   url = {Bouvet Cancer Res 2006.pdf},
   year = {2006},
   type = {Journal Article}