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Inhibition of growth and stimulation of apoptosis by beta-sitosterol treatment of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells in culture

by A. B. Awad, A. C. Downie, C. S. Fink
A. B. Awad, A. C. Downie, C. S. FinkInhibition of growth and stimulation of apoptosis by beta-sitosterol treatment of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells in cultureIn Int J Mol Med, volume 5, 2000.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Awad, A. B. and Downie, A. C. and Fink, C. S.},
   title = {Inhibition of growth and stimulation of apoptosis by beta-sitosterol treatment of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells in culture},
   journal = {Int J Mol Med},
   volume = {5},
   number = {5},
   pages = {541-5},
   url = {  },
   year = {2000},
   type = {Journal Article}