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Contractile forces in tumor cell migration

by C. T. Mierke, D. Rosel, B. Fabry, J. Brabek
C. T. Mierke, D. Rosel, B. Fabry, J. BrabekContractile forces in tumor cell migrationIn Eur J Cell Biol, volume 87, 2008.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Mierke, C. T. and Rosel, D. and Fabry, B. and Brabek, J.},
   title = {Contractile forces in tumor cell migration},
   journal = {Eur J Cell Biol},
   volume = {87},
   number = {8-9},
   pages = {669-76},
   url = {Mierke EJCB 2008.pdf},
   year = {2008},
   type = {Journal Article}