by S. Osmanagic-Myers, S. Rus, M. Wolfram, D. Brunner, W. H. Goldmann, N. Bonakdar, I. Fischer, S. Reipert, A. Zuzuarregui, G. Walko, G. Wiche
S. Osmanagic-Myers, S. Rus, M. Wolfram, D. Brunner, W. H. Goldmann, N. Bonakdar, I. Fischer, S. Reipert, A. Zuzuarregui, G. Walko, G. WichePlectin reinforces vascular integrity by mediating crosstalk between the vimentin and the actin networksIn J Cell Sci, volume 128, 2015. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
@article{osmanagic-myers_plectin_2015, title = {Plectin reinforces vascular integrity by mediating crosstalk between the vimentin and the actin networks}, volume = {128}, issn = {1477-9137 (Electronic) 0021-9533 (Linking)}, url = {Osmanagic-Myers J Cell Sci 2015.pdf}, doi = {10.1242/jcs.172056}, number = {22}, journal = {J Cell Sci}, author = {Osmanagic-Myers, S. and Rus, S. and Wolfram, M. and Brunner, D. and Goldmann, W. H. and Bonakdar, N. and Fischer, I. and Reipert, S. and Zuzuarregui, A. and Walko, G. and Wiche, G.}, year = {2015}, note = {Type: Journal Article}, pages = {4138--50}, }