by N. Mucke, L. Kammerer, S. Winheim, R. Kirmse, J. Krieger, M. Mildenberger, J. Bassler, E. Hurt, W. H. Goldmann, U. Aebi, K. Toth, J. Langowski, H. Herrmann
N. Mucke, L. Kammerer, S. Winheim, R. Kirmse, J. Krieger, M. Mildenberger, J. Bassler, E. Hurt, W. H. Goldmann, U. Aebi, K. Toth, J. Langowski, H. HerrmannAssembly Kinetics of Vimentin Tetramers to Unit-Length Filaments: A Stopped-Flow StudyIn Biophys J, volume 114, 2018. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
@article{mucke_assembly_2018, title = {Assembly {Kinetics} of {Vimentin} {Tetramers} to {Unit}-{Length} {Filaments}: {A} {Stopped}-{Flow} {Study}}, volume = {114}, issn = {1542-0086 (Electronic) 0006-3495 (Linking)}, url = {Mücke Biophy J 2018.pdf}, doi = {10.1016/j.bpj.2018.04.032}, number = {10}, journal = {Biophys J}, author = {Mucke, N. and Kammerer, L. and Winheim, S. and Kirmse, R. and Krieger, J. and Mildenberger, M. and Bassler, J. and Hurt, E. and Goldmann, W. H. and Aebi, U. and Toth, K. and Langowski, J. and Herrmann, H.}, year = {2018}, note = {Type: Journal Article}, pages = {2408--2418}, file = {Mücke et al. - 2018 - Assembly Kinetics of Vimentin Tetramers to Unit-Le.pdf:C:\Users\lovis\Zotero\storage\EWXM25UZ\Mücke et al. - 2018 - Assembly Kinetics of Vimentin Tetramers to Unit-Le.pdf:application/pdf}, }