by C. T. Mierke, B. Frey, M. Fellner, M. Herrmann, B. Fabry
C. T. Mierke, B. Frey, M. Fellner, M. Herrmann, B. FabryIntegrin alpha5beta1 facilitates cancer cell invasion through enhanced contractile forcesIn J Cell Sci, volume 124, 2010. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
@article{mierke_integrin_2010, title = {Integrin alpha5beta1 facilitates cancer cell invasion through enhanced contractile forces}, volume = {124}, url = {Mierke J Cell Sci 2010.pdf}, number = {Pt 3}, journal = {J Cell Sci}, author = {Mierke, C. T. and Frey, B. and Fellner, M. and Herrmann, M. and Fabry, B.}, year = {2010}, note = {Type: Journal Article}, pages = {369--83}, }