by C. Metzner, C. Raupach, D. Paranhos Zitterbart, B. Fabry
C. Metzner, C. Raupach, D. Paranhos Zitterbart, B. FabrySimple model of cytoskeletal fluctuationsIn Phys Rev E, volume 76, 2007. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
@article{metzner_simple_2007, title = {Simple model of cytoskeletal fluctuations}, volume = {76}, url = {Metzner PRE 2007.pdf}, number = {021925}, journal = {Phys Rev E}, author = {Metzner, C. and Raupach, C. and Paranhos Zitterbart, D. and Fabry, B.}, year = {2007}, note = {Type: Journal Article}, pages = {021925--1--12}, }