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Effect of surface pre-treatments on biocompatibility of magnesium

by C. Lorenz, J. G. Brunner, P. Kollmannsberger, L. Jaafar, B. Fabry, S. Virtanen
C. Lorenz, J. G. Brunner, P. Kollmannsberger, L. Jaafar, B. Fabry, S. VirtanenEffect of surface pre-treatments on biocompatibility of magnesiumIn Acta Biomater, volume 5, 2009. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
	title = {Effect of surface pre-treatments on biocompatibility of magnesium},
	volume = {5},
	url = {Lorenz Acta Biomat 2009.pdf},
	number = {7},
	journal = {Acta Biomater},
	author = {Lorenz, C. and Brunner, J. G. and Kollmannsberger, P. and Jaafar, L. and Fabry, B. and Virtanen, S.},
	year = {2009},
	note = {Type: Journal Article},
	pages = {2783--9},