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Cell and tissue mechanics in cell migration

by J. R. Lange, B. Fabry
J. R. Lange, B. FabryCell and tissue mechanics in cell migrationIn Exp Cell Res, volume 319, 2013. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
	title = {Cell and tissue mechanics in cell migration},
	volume = {319},
	issn = {1090-2422 (Electronic) 0014-4827 (Linking)},
	url = {Lange Exp Cell Res 2013.pdf},
	doi = {10.1016/j.yexcr.2013.04.023},
	number = {16},
	journal = {Exp Cell Res},
	author = {Lange, J. R. and Fabry, B.},
	year = {2013},
	note = {Type: Journal Article},
	pages = {2418--23},
	file = {Lange und Fabry - 2013 - Cell and tissue mechanics in cell migration.pdf:C:\Users\lovis\Zotero\storage\6VNCCWYI\Lange und Fabry - 2013 - Cell and tissue mechanics in cell migration.pdf:application/pdf},