by A. H. Klemm, K. Sucholdolski, W. H. Goldmann
A. H. Klemm, K. Sucholdolski, W. H. GoldmannMechano-Chemical Signaling in F9 cellsIn Cell Biol Int, volume 30, 2006. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
@article{klemm_mechano-chemical_2006, title = {Mechano-{Chemical} {Signaling} in {F9} cells}, volume = {30}, url = {Klemm Cell Biol Int 2006.pdf}, journal = {Cell Biol Int}, author = {Klemm, A. H. and Sucholdolski, K. and Goldmann, W. H.}, year = {2006}, note = {Type: Journal Article}, pages = {755--59}, }