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Talin anchors and nucleates actin filaments at lipid membranes. A direct demonstration

by S. Kaufmann, J. Kas, W. H. Goldmann, E. Sackmann, G. Isenberg
S. Kaufmann, J. Kas, W. H. Goldmann, E. Sackmann, G. IsenbergTalin anchors and nucleates actin filaments at lipid membranes. A direct demonstrationIn FEBS Lett, volume 314, 1992. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
	title = {Talin anchors and nucleates actin filaments at lipid membranes. {A} direct demonstration},
	volume = {314},
	url = {Kaufmann FEBS Lett 1992.pdf},
	number = {2},
	journal = {FEBS Lett},
	author = {Kaufmann, S. and Kas, J. and Goldmann, W. H. and Sackmann, E. and Isenberg, G.},
	year = {1992},
	note = {Type: Journal Article},
	pages = {203--5},