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A low-cost uniaxial cell stretcher for six parallel wells

by Delf Kah, Alexander Winterl, Magdalena Přechová, Ulrike Schöler, Werner Schneider, Oliver Friedrich, Martin Gregor, Ben Fabry
Delf Kah, Alexander Winterl, Magdalena Přechová, Ulrike Schöler, Werner Schneider, Oliver Friedrich, Martin Gregor, Ben FabryA low-cost uniaxial cell stretcher for six parallel wellsIn HardwareX, volume 9, 2021. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
	title = {A low-cost uniaxial cell stretcher for six parallel wells},
	volume = {9},
	issn = {2468-0672},
	url = {Kah HardwareX 2020.pdf},
	doi = {},
	journal = {HardwareX},
	author = {Kah, Delf and Winterl, Alexander and Přechová, Magdalena and Schöler, Ulrike and Schneider, Werner and Friedrich, Oliver and Gregor, Martin and Fabry, Ben},
	year = {2021},
	note = {Type: Journal Article},
	pages = {e00162},
	file = {Kah et al. - 2021 - A low-cost uniaxial cell stretcher for six paralle.pdf:C:\Users\lovis\Zotero\storage\3ZLK8IQD\Kah et al. - 2021 - A low-cost uniaxial cell stretcher for six paralle.pdf:application/pdf},