by M. Gyger, D. Rose, R. Stange, T. Kießling, M. Zink, B. Fabry, J. A. Käs
M. Gyger, D. Rose, R. Stange, T. Kießling, M. Zink, B. Fabry, J. A. KäsCalcium imaging in the optical stretcherIn OPTICS EXPRESS, volume 19, 2011. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
@article{gyger_calcium_2011, title = {Calcium imaging in the optical stretcher}, volume = {19}, url = {Gyger OpticsExpress 2011.pdf}, number = {20}, journal = {OPTICS EXPRESS}, author = {Gyger, M. and Rose, D. and Stange, R. and Kießling, T. and Zink, M. and Fabry, B. and Käs, J. A.}, year = {2011}, note = {Type: Journal Article}, pages = {19212--19222}, }