by W. H. Goldmann
W. H. Goldmannp56(lck) Controls phosphorylation of filamin (ABP-280) and regulates focal adhesion kinase (pp125(FAK))In Cell Biol Int, volume 26, 2002. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
@article{goldmann_p56lck_2002, title = {p56(lck) {Controls} phosphorylation of filamin ({ABP}-280) and regulates focal adhesion kinase (pp125({FAK}))}, volume = {26}, url = {Goldmann Cell Biol Int 26 2002.pdf}, number = {6}, journal = {Cell Biol Int}, author = {Goldmann, W. H.}, year = {2002}, note = {Type: Journal Article}, pages = {567--71}, }