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Analysis of the F-actin binding fragments of vinculin using stopped-flow and dynamic light-scattering measurements

by W. H. Goldmann, Z. Guttenberg, J. X. Tang, K. Kroy, G. Isenberg, R. M. Ezzell
W. H. Goldmann, Z. Guttenberg, J. X. Tang, K. Kroy, G. Isenberg, R. M. EzzellAnalysis of the F-actin binding fragments of vinculin using stopped-flow and dynamic light-scattering measurementsIn Eur J Biochem, volume 254, 1998. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
	title = {Analysis of the {F}-actin binding fragments of vinculin using stopped-flow and dynamic light-scattering measurements},
	volume = {254},
	url = {Goldmann Eur J Biochem 1998.pdf},
	number = {2},
	journal = {Eur J Biochem},
	author = {Goldmann, W. H. and Guttenberg, Z. and Tang, J. X. and Kroy, K. and Isenberg, G. and Ezzell, R. M.},
	year = {1998},
	note = {Type: Journal Article},
	pages = {413--9},