by B. Fabry, G.N. Maksym, R.D. Hubmayr, J.P. Butler, J.J. Fredberg
B. Fabry, G.N. Maksym, R.D. Hubmayr, J.P. Butler, J.J. FredbergImplications of heterogeneous bead behavior on cell mechanical properties measured with magnetic twisting cytometryIn J Magnetism Magnetic Materials, volume 194, 1999. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
@article{fabry_implications_1999, title = {Implications of heterogeneous bead behavior on cell mechanical properties measured with magnetic twisting cytometry}, volume = {194}, url = {Fabry JMMM 1999.pdf}, number = {1-3}, journal = {J Magnetism Magnetic Materials}, author = {Fabry, B. and Maksym, G.N. and Hubmayr, R.D. and Butler, J.P. and Fredberg, J.J.}, year = {1999}, note = {Type: Journal Article}, pages = {120--125}, }