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Automatic compensation of endotracheal tube resistance in spontaneously breathing patients

by B. Fabry, J. Guttmann, L. Eberhard, G. Wolff
B. Fabry, J. Guttmann, L. Eberhard, G. WolffAutomatic compensation of endotracheal tube resistance in spontaneously breathing patientsIn Technol Health Care, volume 1, 1994. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
	title = {Automatic compensation of endotracheal tube resistance in spontaneously breathing patients},
	volume = {1},
	issn = {0928-7329 (Print) 0928-7329 (Linking)},
	url = {Fabry Techn Health Care 1994 ATC.pdf},
	doi = {10.3233/THC-1994-1405},
	number = {4},
	journal = {Technol Health Care},
	author = {Fabry, B. and Guttmann, J. and Eberhard, L. and Wolff, G.},
	year = {1994},
	note = {Type: Journal Article},
	pages = {281--91},