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Traction Force Microscopy in 3-Dimensional Extracellular Matrix Networks

by M. Condor, J. Steinwachs, C. Mark, J. M. Garcia-Aznar, B. Fabry
M. Condor, J. Steinwachs, C. Mark, J. M. Garcia-Aznar, B. FabryTraction Force Microscopy in 3-Dimensional Extracellular Matrix NetworksIn Curr Protoc Cell Biol, volume 75, 2017. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
	title = {Traction {Force} {Microscopy} in 3-{Dimensional} {Extracellular} {Matrix} {Networks}},
	volume = {75},
	issn = {1934-2616 (Electronic) 1934-2616 (Linking)},
	url = {Condor Curr Protocols 2017 3D force microscopy in collagen networks.pdf},
	doi = {10.1002/cpcb.24},
	journal = {Curr Protoc Cell Biol},
	author = {Condor, M. and Steinwachs, J. and Mark, C. and Garcia-Aznar, J. M. and Fabry, B.},
	year = {2017},
	note = {Type: Journal Article},
	pages = {10 22 1--10 22 20},