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Inhibition of Rho kinases increases directional motility of microvascular endothelial cells

by J. Breyer, J. Samarin, M. Rehm, L. Lautscham, B. Fabry, M. Goppelt-Struebe
J. Breyer, J. Samarin, M. Rehm, L. Lautscham, B. Fabry, M. Goppelt-StruebeInhibition of Rho kinases increases directional motility of microvascular endothelial cellsIn Biochem Pharmacol, volume 83, 2012. (Type: Journal Article)
Bibtex Entry:
	title = {Inhibition of {Rho} kinases increases directional motility of microvascular endothelial cells},
	volume = {83},
	url = {Breyer Biochem Pharmacol 2012.pdf},
	number = {5},
	journal = {Biochem Pharmacol},
	author = {Breyer, J. and Samarin, J. and Rehm, M. and Lautscham, L. and Fabry, B. and Goppelt-Struebe, M.},
	year = {2012},
	note = {Type: Journal Article},
	pages = {616--26},