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The vinculin binding sites of talin and alpha-actinin are sufficient to activate vinculin

by P. R. Bois, B. P. O’Hara, D. Nietlispach, J. Kirkpatrick, T. Izard
P. R. Bois, B. P. O’Hara, D. Nietlispach, J. Kirkpatrick, T. IzardThe vinculin binding sites of talin and alpha-actinin are sufficient to activate vinculinIn J Biol Chem, volume 281, 2006.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Bois, P. R. and O'Hara, B. P. and Nietlispach, D. and Kirkpatrick, J. and Izard, T.},
   title = {The vinculin binding sites of talin and alpha-actinin are sufficient to activate vinculin},
   journal = {J Biol Chem},
   volume = {281},
   number = {11},
   pages = {7228-36},
   url = {Bois J Biol Chem 2006.pdf},
   year = {2006},
   type = {Journal Article}