by A. P. Bhole, B. P. Flynn, M. Liles, N. Saeidi, C. A. Dimarzio, J. W. Ruberti
A. P. Bhole, B. P. Flynn, M. Liles, N. Saeidi, C. A. Dimarzio, J. W. RubertiMechanical strain enhances survivability of collagen micronetworks in the presence of collagenase: implications for load-bearing matrix growth and stabilityIn Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci, volume 367, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{RN2052, author = {Bhole, A. P. and Flynn, B. P. and Liles, M. and Saeidi, N. and Dimarzio, C. A. and Ruberti, J. W.}, title = {Mechanical strain enhances survivability of collagen micronetworks in the presence of collagenase: implications for load-bearing matrix growth and stability}, journal = {Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci}, volume = {367}, number = {1902}, pages = {3339-62}, url = {Bhole Phil Trans R Soc A 2009.pdf}, year = {2009}, type = {Journal Article} }