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Mechanical strain enhances survivability of collagen micronetworks in the presence of collagenase: implications for load-bearing matrix growth and stability

by A. P. Bhole, B. P. Flynn, M. Liles, N. Saeidi, C. A. Dimarzio, J. W. Ruberti
A. P. Bhole, B. P. Flynn, M. Liles, N. Saeidi, C. A. Dimarzio, J. W. RubertiMechanical strain enhances survivability of collagen micronetworks in the presence of collagenase: implications for load-bearing matrix growth and stabilityIn Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci, volume 367, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Bhole, A. P. and Flynn, B. P. and Liles, M. and Saeidi, N. and Dimarzio, C. A. and Ruberti, J. W.},
   title = {Mechanical strain enhances survivability of collagen micronetworks in the presence of collagenase: implications for load-bearing matrix growth and stability},
   journal = {Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci},
   volume = {367},
   number = {1902},
   pages = {3339-62},
   url = {Bhole Phil Trans R Soc A 2009.pdf},
   year = {2009},
   type = {Journal Article}