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A FAK-Cas-Rac-lamellipodin signaling module transduces extracellular matrix stiffness into mechanosensitive cell cycling

by Y. H. Bae, K. L. Mui, B. Y. Hsu, S. L. Liu, A. Cretu, Z. Razinia, T. Xu, E. Pure, R. K. Assoian
Y. H. Bae, K. L. Mui, B. Y. Hsu, S. L. Liu, A. Cretu, Z. Razinia, T. Xu, E. Pure, R. K. AssoianA FAK-Cas-Rac-lamellipodin signaling module transduces extracellular matrix stiffness into mechanosensitive cell cyclingIn Sci Signal, volume 7, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Bae, Y. H. and Mui, K. L. and Hsu, B. Y. and Liu, S. L. and Cretu, A. and Razinia, Z. and Xu, T. and Pure, E. and Assoian, R. K.},
   title = {A FAK-Cas-Rac-lamellipodin signaling module transduces extracellular matrix stiffness into mechanosensitive cell cycling},
   journal = {Sci Signal},
   volume = {7},
   number = {330},
   pages = {ra57},
   ISSN = {1937-9145 (Electronic)},
   DOI = {10.1126/scisignal.2004838},
   url = {Bae Sci Signal 2014.pdf},
   year = {2014},
   type = {Journal Article}