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The effect of intact talin and talin tail fragment on actin filament dynamics and structure depends on pH and ionic strength

by W. H. Goldmann, D. Hess, G. Isenberg
W. H. Goldmann, D. Hess, G. IsenbergThe effect of intact talin and talin tail fragment on actin filament dynamics and structure depends on pH and ionic strengthIn Eur J Biochem, volume 260, 1999.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Goldmann, W. H. and Hess, D. and Isenberg, G.},
   title = {The effect of intact talin and talin tail fragment on actin filament dynamics and structure depends on pH and ionic strength},
   journal = {Eur J Biochem},
   volume = {260},
   number = {2},
   pages = {439-45},
   url = {Goldmann Eur J Biochem 1999.pdf},
   year = {1999},
   type = {Journal Article}