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Geometric control of cell life and death

by C. S. Chen, M. Mrksich, S. Huang, G. M. Whitesides, D. E. Ingber
C. S. Chen, M. Mrksich, S. Huang, G. M. Whitesides, D. E. IngberGeometric control of cell life and deathIn Science, volume 276, 1997.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Chen, C. S. and Mrksich, M. and Huang, S. and Whitesides, G. M. and Ingber, D. E.},
   title = {Geometric control of cell life and death},
   journal = {Science},
   volume = {276},
   number = {5317},
   pages = {1425-8},
   url = {Chen Science 1997.pdf},
   year = {1997},
   type = {Journal Article}